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UPDATE: 10/15/17 – Vetoed by Governor Brown. Veto Message:

To the Members of the California State Senate:

I am returning Senate Bill 649 without my signature. 

This bill establishes a uniform permitting process for small cell wireless equipment and fixes the rates local governments may charge for placement of that equipment on city or county owned property, such as streetlights and traffic signal poles. 

There is something of real value in having a process that results in extending this innovative technology rapidly and efficiently. Nevertheless, I believe that the interest which localities have in managing rights of way requires a more balanced solution than the one achieved in this bill. 

California State Senate Bill 649 is speeding toward passage by the California legislature and would take away local control and public input when installing small cell wireless facilities in our cities and towns.

We have joined over 295 cities and 47 (out of 58) counties, and dozens of health, environment, consumer, and justice organizations representing millions of Californians in opposing SB 649. SB 649 could harm California.

Peer-reviewed published science shows radiation is harmful to people, and nature and children are especially vulnerable. SB 649 would eliminate local control and public input.  It would allow unlimited access to deploy refrigerator-size equipment on utility and light poles, and sidewalks with no safety oversight.

Cities would have no recourse to remove a tower even if every resident complained. 

Please take a moment to do a few quick things:
1) Call your Assembly member now. It’s best to call the District Office. Find your Assembly
member by putting in your address, and then clicking on the link that comes up for the
Assembly (not Senate).

2)Call Assembly Member Lorena S. Gonzalez Fletcher, the chair of the Appropriations Committee (916) 319-2081 and Anthony Rendon, the Speaker Tel: (916) 319-2063 and tell them NO ON SB 649

3) Call or write to Gov. Jerry Brown and ask him to veto the bill when it comes to his desk:
Governor Jerry Brown Fax: (916) 558-3160
c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173 Email:
Sacramento, CA 95814