4500 Hessel Road Sebastopol, CA 95472

Serving the communities of, Hessel, Twin Hills, Freestone, Rural Sebastopol.

Sta. 1  Headquarters (707) 823-1084    Fax (707) 829-1175


Some things you can do to make your property and home more fire resilient:

  • Create a Family Disaster Plan that includes meeting locations and communication plans and rehearse it regularly. Include the evacuation of large animals such as horses in your plan. 
  • Have a portable radio or scanner so you can stay updated on the fire and weather emergency announcements. 
  • Get local alerts when you need them by signing up for Nixle at: and SoCo Alert at: 
  • Be prepared for power outages. Visit PG&E at to learn more about PG&E’s Community Wildfire Safety Program and for more tips to help you prepare. 
  • Know how to open your garage door manually. 
  • Have fire extinguishers on hand and teach your family how to use them. 
  • Appoint an out of area friend or relative as a point of contact so you can communicate with family members
  • Maintain a list of emergency contact numbers in your emergency supply kit.


Helpful Weblinks


Gold Ridge Fire Protection District

The Gold Ridge Fire Protection District was formed in 1993 when the Fire Districts of Hessel and Twin Hills merged, serving the communities of Hessel, Twin Hills, and Freestone. We offer all-risk fire protection and emergency medical response across 75 square miles of rural Sebastopol and mutual aid to all surrounding fire districts. The District is made up of ten full-time employees, several part-time employees, and approximately 50 volunteers. Paid staff work a 48 hour on-duty, 96 hour off-duty schedule covered by three rotating shifts.


Sonoma County Alert System (SOCO Alert)

SoCoAlert is a free emergency notification service that provides Sonoma County first responders the ability to notify residents and businesses by telephone, mobile phone, text message, email, and social media regarding time-sensitive, geographically specific emergency notifications.


Sonoma County Sheriff Nixle



Sonoma County Fire Safe Sonoma

Fire Safe Sonoma is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation formed in 1998. Over the past two decades, Fire Safe Sonoma has been instrumental in helping to educate residents about wildfire prevention and safety, taking on large scale fuels reduction projects, and creating the first chipper program in the county.


State Fire Marshal Approved Building Material Listing


Sonoma County “Ready, Set, Go” Electronic Document

Each year, wildland fires consume hundreds of homes in the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) – a high-risk wildfire area containing natural fuels where houses are built. Studies show as many as 80 percent of the homes lost to wildland fires could have been saved if their owners had followed simple fire-safe practices. In addition, wildland fire related deaths occur because people wait too long to leave their homes.


CalFire Website for Ready, Set, Go!


Fire Safe Sonoma Documents/Resources

Much of Sonoma County is considered a high hazard fire environment. Research clearly demonstrates that pre-fire activities save lives and property.