You Make Our Work Possible!

Today is Giving Tuesday and we would like to thank you for your support of local, grass roots environmentalism. Sonoma County Conservation Action has accomplished a great deal this year and it's all due to the support of our amazing members!

Our members have allowed us to work to eliminate dangerous, synthetic pesticides in much of Sonoma County. Many of our Public Lands are now safer because of the work you have allowed us to do on the Toxic Free Future Campaign. SCCA is a member supported non-profit and we could not do this work without you.


Toxic Free Future Successes!

*9/24/2019 Rohnert Park Council votes to ban glyphosate and the city will also include some Organic/OMRI certified herbicides in its toolkit!

*8/13/2019 Cotati City Council votes to ban glyphosate and to prepare a plan to ban all synthetic pesticides on city property!
*6/4/2019 Sonoma County Supervisors ban synthetic weedkillers on publicly accessible County-owned land!
*1/5/2019 City of Sonoma bans glyphosate on city-owned land!
*9/5/2018 Town of Windsor bans all synthetic pesticides!
*8/22/2018 Santa Rosa bans synthetic pesticides in city landscape contract!
*1/8/2018 Santa Rosa City Schools ban synthetic herbicides!
*All important examples of why you should donated monthly to our work- the victories are many, and are often! We need you on our winning team to keep moving the ball forward on banning toxins in our public spaces. Our children are depending on us!

Looking Ahead
In today's political climate it is imperative that we have local advocates for the environment here in beautiful Sonoma County. Some of the issues issues we will be tackling this upcoming year include:
  • Advocating for the implementation of a Local Green New Deal
  • Advocating for Smart Growth in the Sonoma County General Plan Update
  • Advocating for the South-East Greenway project
  • Raising awareness and support for the SMART Train tax re-authorization
  • Continuing to Eliminate Dangerous Pesticides From All Public Lands
People like you enable SCCA to advocate for the county’s environment and allows us to have the political power that puts necessary pressure on our elected officials. We have always been supported by our members and we need your support again today. 
SCCA Needs your support more than ever. Our community benefits when we act together as citizens with a common goal to protect this amazing place.
People like you enable SCCA to advocate for the county’s environment and allows us to have the political power that puts necessary pressure on our elected officials. We have always been supported by our members and we need your support again today.