We are an organization built on grassroots activism and we work directly with the public. Our volunteers are passionate and dedicated people who realize the importance of preserving the Sonoma County environment for all generations.


The reason we’ve been able to do so much good is because of people like you who love the place we all live, work, and play and hope to keep it beautiful for years to come. Here are a few of our upcoming projects, and if you join us today, you can play an integral role in Sonoma County’s future!


For more information on how you can get involved or support our efforts, contact us today!

Contact Us

Volunteer Opportunities


  • Public Outreach – Love to teach? Outreach volunteers speak at public events, table for SCCA and speak in classrooms to students about civic engagement, environmental policy, and the history of environmental activism in Sonoma County. Volunteers can help with curriculum development. This may also include tabling at events.
  • Event Support Helping with event planning, promotion, and outreach. This varies between educational events, fundraising events and informal social gatherings.
  • “Watchdog” — Board, Council and/or Commission Vote Watcher – Vote Watchers are our “eyes and ears” around the county ensuring that we keep our local elected officials accountable. Vote watchers sign up to track their local agendas, flagging important issues coming to vote and bringing awareness to decisions being made.
  • Social Media Support – Help manage Social Media pages, posting interesting and relevant content frequently. This can be across Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.
  • Administrative Support – A great role for low key, high impact volunteers. This includes data entry, research and documentation, and archiving of historical issue documentation. Volunteer must be on-site.
  • Website & Communications – Help us keep our website up to date with the latest campaign information. Looking for a volunteer with experience using WordPress to help keep our website up to date. Can be done remotely as well.
  • Website Translation – We want to translate our website to Spanish, interested in volunteers who can help translate our content.
  • Photographer and Photo Manager – Help us collect and catalogue photographs for use on our website, social media, promotions, ect.

Become a community organizer!

Take a look at our current campaigns and explore ways you can get involved!

For example, volunteer needs to help us eliminate pesticides such as Roundup from public spaces and schools include:

  1. Ask Questions – Support our research efforts by finding out the current status of synthetic pesticide use in your home community.
  2. Engage your neighbors– Host a house party to discuss this issue.
  3. Inform our community – Support PR and outreach efforts by writing a letter to the editor, speaking up on NextDoor, tabling at an event or getting creative with spreading the word.
  4. Speak to community leaders – start a petition or letter writing team.
  5. Be a role model – get synthetic pesticides out of your yard and help encourage others to do the same.
  6. Support the trailblazers – help create a list of local businesses who take the pledge to be toxic free and encourage our community to support them.

Ongoing Watchdog Projects

Carrying on for Bill Kortum

We’re now organizing to fulfill Bill’s last wish – to open up Lafferty Ranch on Sonoma Mountain to the public. It’s time for the Bill Kortum Regional Park at Sonoma Mountain, and you can help make this dream a reality.

Sonoma Coast

We’ll work together to make sure that beach and marine protections, as well as public access, remain strong in the Sonoma County Local Coastal Plan (LCP).

Sonoma Forests

We will need to stand up for the trees again in 2017. Conversion of Sonoma’s forests to vineyards, estate homes, and two-by-fours remain a constant theat. To start, we’ll work on a stronger Tree Ordinance for Sonoma County.

Open Space

The greenbelts between Sonoma’s cities that you voted for nearly 20 years ago are constantly under development pressure as event centers creep into our open spaces. Join us to ensure that these critical Community Separators are respected and continue to provide the protections voted on in 2016.

Climate Action


Climate change presents unique challenges for our county, challenges we need to be prepared for. Every city in the county needs its own Climate Action Plan. We will do our part to make sure that Sonoma County is as prepared as possible for climate change. We also recognize the link between healthy soils and carbon sequestration potential, for this and many other reasons, we are working to eliminate pesticides from our public spaces and schools.

These are only a few of the upcoming campaigns we’re championing in the coming years, and there are always opportunities and unseen challenges that arise.


Please contact us today to learn more or ask how you can help or check out our Campaigns page. Join now and become a guardian of Sonoma County’s natural environment!