Join SCCA July 8th for Our 2023 Grass Roots Gala!

This Year’s Gala will include Guest Speakers, Silent Auction, Awards, Diner, and More…

Our theme this year is “Grassroots Gala Garden Party”. Our program this year will focus on public policies that our organization and our allies are currently working on to create a more sustainable future for our kids and grandkids. As always, we will honor our environmental champions and give thanks to those who have fought every day to make Sonoma County the special place that it is.


For thirty-three years, our organization has served as the political arm of Sonoma County’s environmental movement. We have fought for decades to protect and preserve our parks and open spaces, elect environmental champions to public office, and built momentum for climate-friendly policies.


Please join us and sponsor the incredible work of our team!


Lavender Lover: $10,000 16 tickets (2 Tables) special Gala goodies, and program recognition

Sunflower Sustainer: $5,000 12 Tickets (1.5 Tables) special Gala goodies, and program recognition

Foxglove Founder: $2,500 8 Tickets (1 Table) special Gala goodies, and program recognition

Goldenrod Giver: $1,000 4 Tickets and program recognition

Milkweed Mover & Shaker: $500 2 Tickets and program recognition

Dahlia Donor: $100 (individual ticket)


Ticketing is CLosed For This Event

A Huge Thank You to our Early Sponsors!

Sunflower Sustainer:

Neal Fishman & Maxene Spellman
Janis & Warren Watkins
Michael Allen & Helen Ross
Rohnert Park Councilmember Gerard Giudice

Foxglove Founder:

North Bay Building & Construction
Trades Council
Jackson Family Wines

Goldenrod Giver:

Jean Schulz
Assemblymember Damon & Dawn Connolly
Supervisor Susan Gorin
Senator Mike McGuire

Milkweed Mover & Shaker:

Former Mayor of Cotati Judith Olney
Maddy Hirshfield & Former Mayor of Cotati Janet Orchard
Santa Rosa Councilmember Mark Stapp
Anne & Brien Seeley
Trustee John Kelly
Peggy & Glenn Calkins
Julie Groves
Bob & Gail Cipolloa