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Despite extensive public support for retaining Recology, the Sebastopol City Council voted 3-2 to award the city’s solid waste contract to Sonoma County Resource Recovery (SCRR). Scores of community members, business owners, and environmental and labor advocates expressed their preference for retaining Recology during the meeting, highlighting concerns about potential rate increases for businesses and questioning the evaluation criteria that favored SCRR. Councilmembers Maurer, McLewis, and Mayor Zollman supported the switch, while and Councilmember Hinton and Carter opposed it.

“While she said she had reservations about the current contract with SCRR, Hinton said she wasn’t willing to start negotiations with Recology all over again. She asked to delay the decision on the contract to get some clarity on her questions. Councilmember Carter asked for the same.”

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all who participated in the public comment process, demonstrating the strength and engagement of our amazing community.
Laura Hagar Rush wrote an excellent article in the Sebastopol Times that can give you more information on this decision and the process that lead to it.
Despite pleas from public, Sebastopol City Council dumps Recology for SCRR – Sebastopol Times