Lafferty Ranch
SCCA has fought for decades to protect our precious Open Spaces and Community Separators! We, like most residents of Sonoma County, value our green belts and undeveloped open areas and will keep working tirelessly to preserve them. 
In 1996 Sonoma County voters approved a 20-year Community Separator policy to preserve lands on the outskirts of urban growth boundaries and encourage municipalities to adopt UGBs. With voter protections about to expire in 2016, it was important that we rallied the political will and community support to extend and even expand upon the 1996 grouping of separator lands.
In 1997, SCCA along with then Gary Edwards, SCCA worked to collect signatures and lobby the public for an Urban Growth Boundary around the city of Sonoma first proposed by Councilman Larry Barnett. The UGB measure established a fixed city limit beyond which land annexations were not allowed for a period of 20 years. Exceptions to this were included to provide land for schools, affordable housing developments and public-serving facilities like hospitals. In 1999 a wide majority voted to enact the Sonoma UGB.
In 2020 SCCA phone banked throughout Sonoma and voters passed Measure W to extend the UGB for another 20 years by 78.68% of the total votes!