Together, Heather Hannan-Kramer and Ariel Kelley represent a powerful partnership on the council that will be instrumental in shaping Healdsburg’s future. Their combined expertise in business strategy, climate action, and social equity makes them the ideal candidates to lead the city toward a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient future.
By electing both Heather and Ariel to the City Council, Healdsburg residents can ensure that their city is governed by leaders who are deeply committed to the well-being of the community and the environment.
Sonoma County Conservation Action is proud to support these two outstanding candidates and urges all Healdsburg residents to vote for Heather Hannan-Kramer and Ariel Kelley in the upcoming election. Together, they will form a necessary voting block on the City Council, ensuring that environmental sustainability and social equity remain at the forefront of Healdsburg’s policy decisions.