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Traditionally, SCCA has hosted our Grassroots Gala in person every summer. Last year, we moved to an online event.

This year’s Grassroots Gala is a Hybrid Gala. The Online portion will present our program via Zoom, where we highlight this year’s environmental Award Winners, speak of Gratitude and live chat with In Person House Parties. In Person guests can watch the Gala from deck or patio, safely socially distanced.

Our fabulous On Line Auction is open 24/7 from July 22 through August 7th


Your support today will help us protect our oak and forest lands, keep our waterways, open spaces, and parks healthy, eliminate toxics from schools, provide access to more affordable housing into our urban cores, and help us elect community leaders who are ready to fight for a more sustainable and more equitable future for everyone.

This year our Grass Roots Gala will be held both in-person and online and includes Awards, Live Chats, and a Silent Auction! Ticket holders will receive a link to a Zoom that can be viewed on a device at home.

Click Here to Visit Our Online Auction!


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Over the last sixteen months, we have had to work hard to create community – through technology or behind masks. And as the world opens back up slowly, we want to celebrate the good things in life – the things that we’ve missed the most through the pandemic.

Sonoma County Conservation Action has played a critical role in keeping our waterways, open spaces, and parks healthy, eliminating toxics from schools, providing access to more affordable housing in our urban cores, and helping us elect community leaders who are ready to fight for a more sustainable and more equitable future for everyone. With your help, we can continue these fights through 2021 and into 2022.

Sponsorship Ticket Levels


Sustainer $5,000 | Supporter $2,500 | Advocate $1,000 | Contributor $500 | Friend $300


Regular Ticket Levels


Individual $25 | $50 with Gift Basket  | $100 Join an In-Person House Party


Click Here to Visit Our Online Auction!