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SCCA is very happy to announce the 2019 GrassRoots Gala Award Winners. These esteemed people have shown great passion, fortitude, ability, and leadership in the field of Environmental Politics. We salute their ongoing efforts to ensure Sonoma County has a bright and sustainable future for all!


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    Leader in Environmental Justice and Equity Award – OMAR GALLARDO, Landpaths –

     Presenter: Algería de la Cruz

Honoring distinguished leadership in environmental justice and equity in our community. Gallardo is the oldest child of immigrant farm workers from Mexico, and the first one to pursue college. He is passionate about connecting people both to the land and to each other, while building community and staying true to his roots. With humanity and grace, he has excelled at community organizing, expanded the diversity and relevance of Landpaths’ programs and led countless youth to share his love of the land.


     Upstream Swimmer Award – RACHEL HUNDLEY, Sonoma City Council –

     Presenter: Chris Coursey

For a Sonoma County elected or appointed representative who has shown resolve in the face of adversity in standing for environmental principles despite opposition. In the face of intense retribution for an environmental vote, Hundley stood her ground and had a national impact on how women in politics can overcome a misogynistic smear campaign.


     Dick Day Community Activist Award – RICHARD CHARTER, Senior Fellow, The Ocean Foundation –

     Presenter: Neal Fishman

Honoring the activist spirit who goes the extra mile and shows outstanding organization in support of the protection and enhancement of our environment. Charter is a local and national hero in ocean protection. He helped to establish and maintain a 27-year congressional ban on offshore drilling along the Pacific, Atlantic and Florida Gulf coastlines. He worked with tens-of-thousands of people to create a network of five National Marine Sanctuaries to make coastal protection off of a large portion of the California Coast permanent, plus worked with indigenous people from Alaska and the conservation community to achieve a permanent drilling prohibition in Alaska’s fishery-rich Bristol Bay.


     Bill Kortum Innovative Leader Award – LISA MICHELI , Ph.D. –

     Presenter: Dennis Rosatti

Honoring ingenuity, creativity, and innovation in environmental activism and policy. Micheli is an internationally acclaimed expert on climate change. As the executive director of Pepperwood Preserve, a 3,200-acre ecological research center, she and her team of scientists are doing extraordinary work on climate adaptive land management. Notably, she is integrating indigenous perspectives and biocultural knowledge into the land management, habitat restoration work and educational programming.